The Step Up Stirrup tm is LIGHTWEIGHT ... Just ONE LB !! It is compact and always on your saddle whenever you need to use it. In just a few easy steps you can remount your horse safely and never have to worry again what you are going to do if you have to get off your horse and there isn't a mounting block or stump in sight!
Nothing extra to carry with you. And once you are on board the Step Up Stirrup looks wonderful on your saddle. It comes with a matched Stirrup that does not have the drop down if you want your stirrups to match !
There is NOTHING else out there like the Step Up Stirrup tm. Nothing !!
Photos show clearly how easy it is to use the Step Up Stirrup tm !
Your Step Up Stirrup is always with you, easy to use and you never have to worry about remounting again. It is sleek and so easy to use
The Step Up Stirrup ... On your saddle and ready for you to ride and remount wherever you want and never have to worry again about dismounting and not being able to bet back on !
Your Step Up Stirrup is always with you, easy to use and you never have to worry about remounting again. It is sleek and so easy to use